C-Index from scratch in Python

Dimitrij Tschodu
5 min readJan 12, 2022

David Deutsch has this tweet:

If you can’t program it, you haven’t understood it.

If you do some work in medicine, statistics, or even biophysics, you are surely familiar with the C-Index, also called the C-statistics, or Harrell’s index . Frank Harrell introduced it to measure the ability of a model to discriminate patients with different prognosis. This means:

Consider two patients. Patient A lived longer than patient B.

If the predicted survival time for the patient A is longer than the predicted survival time for the patient B, the predictions for this pair A-B are concordant with the outcomes.

The definition of the C-Index is:

Here you can find a wonderful explanation of the C-Index and its interpretation, I highly recommend it.

If you go to the PySurvival website, you will find the following and more refined definition:


So, lets program it to understand it!

(Here is how you can type Greek letters on a Linux system.)

First, this expression:

δT = lambda Ti, Tj: 1. if Tj < Ti else 0.

The function δT takes two arguments: Ti and Tj. These are the survival times.

Second, this expression:

δη = lambda ηi, ηj: 1. if ηj > ηi else 0.



Dimitrij Tschodu

PhD student in biophysics at Leipzig university | Physicist | ML & AI researcher | author | former blogger of PhysiPhi.com